Thursday, January 27, 2011

a breath of fresh air.

We moved to Kansas City when Oakley was 6 weeks old. Lived out of a hotel for TWO MONTHS. (two kids under two, for two months in one hotel room is really difficult!). We moved into the huge, old colonial (that I'm totally in love with, but very a overwhelming project!)  This entire time, my parents have never come to visit. Not once. The day we left Austin for Kansas City, they flew out to Vegas for the weekend.

My parents are generally extremely supportive people. Where is their support now?

Sometimes I feel like I'm on the brink of losing my mind! The house always feels like it's falling apart, the kids will never take a nap when I need one, and I just get...lonely. I miss my momma!

I called her in tears today- I'm just having a really difficult day today. For no particular reason, and for every single reason I can think of. I'm exhausted beyond words. Tired of carrying, singing, talking, making, patting, changing...I need my momma to re-energize me. I need her to love on my babies and love on her baby and make everything okay again. Do you know what she said to me? Not "I'll be right there" or "is this weekend too late?" but..."have you joined any mom's clubs in the area"? Are you serious, mom? Sheesh. Thanks anyway.

I'm the oldest of four kids. We're all two years apart. I know my parents have a lot going on, but sometimes I just really need a hand. I honestly can't remember the last time I called and told them I needed help. I can't believe she referred me to a mom's club.

How do you reach out a hand? How do you ask for help? Do you search out a desperate mother at the library, grocery store, or playground and ask her if she needs a hand? It seems like our society is so busy- do we take time to look for moms that need a breath of fresh air? Will you be someone's breath of fresh air today?

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our goals are simple

as women, mothers, and friends, our goals are simple:

love our husband(s) and babies. be kind and generous to those in our lives. to learn and to help teach. strengthen our faith and the faith of our family. be gentle to the earth and its inhabitants. stop and smell the roses (or at least the crayons!)