Today I was burned out by 931a. Sawyer was jumping around at 630a, and we've been busy ever since. By nine in the morning we had already made (and ate!) Breakfast, nursed (twice at least), made beds, started laundry, got dressed, unloaded + reloaded the dishwasher, and MADE CRACKERS. Oh, yeah, and played with homemade play dough. I hadn't been looking at the time, but we had been SO industrious I felt for sure we were rapidly approaching 1p. No. Not even hardly.
Its been a really rainy day today, so going outside is not possible, and I really didn't want to run to Target just because I couldn't "stay at home"...(Although that IS part of my current title!)
This afternoon I've been singing, dancing, reading, play-acting, and watching cartoons, all in hopes of a good nap (or at least rest!).
Alas! To no avail. Oakley is slumbering peacefully right now. I attempted a naptime battle twice today with Sawyer, and I'm letting it go. At least today. At least right now.
Right now, Sawyer is playing quietly in her room. I can hear her talking to herself. Her sweet, little sing-song voice speaking quietly enough that I can't understand the words. Just that she's happy. And peaceful. And quiet.
Maybe I shouldn't push so hard some days. Every day is different. Maybe today is a no-nap day. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a 2 hour nap day.
In the future, instead of me forcing peace, I'll let Sawyer bring her own peace to the house.
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